
Up until yesterday, there was only one brand who reached out to me as an attendee of BlogHer ’10.  At first I was offended by the brand seeking me out.  I mean, REALLY offended.

Then I started considering this post, and this one, too.

No wonder Metamucil wanted me to visit their “At Home with Your Digestive System” suite at the Hilton!


Seriously, though, I am not interested in brands when I go to New York City next week.  Not many seem focused on a DINK with chronic health issues and a love of all things football, anyways.

(And cats.  Way too many cats.  On second thought, if there is a brand out there willing to come deep clean my house while I am out of town, I would not be opposed…)

I’m focusing on four S words – sessions, socializing, sightseeing, and sleep – and the principle developed by Leah, Permission To Miss Out.   No private brand parties are on my agenda unless they involve a quiet dinner and friends.

There is one brand-related thing I must do.  I promised Flat Jasmine I’d take her to have her picture taken with Mrs. Potato Head.  But she is not allowed anywhere near the Playdoh-scented perfume or the eye makeover offered at the HPV test booth.

(I know, I know, doesn’t everyone want an eye makeover while they’re being tested for a STD?)

Posted on July 30, 2010, in BlogHer '10, Humor. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Oh man, have a BLAST!!! Seems like just a little while ago we met at last year’s BlogHer!

    Metamucil, huh?

    At my age, the only brands who would want me would be Depends….

  2. majorbedhead

    I have had exactly zero brands reach out to me. Not that I care. Much. *sniffle*


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