Tales of tooth #19.

Shooting, searing pain through my jaw up through tooth #19 is not my idea of an alarm clock.  I can handle Perl waking me up before the actual alarm goes off, but this was a much more rude awakening on Thursday morning.

So, instead of making progress at work on Friday*, I spent the morning in the dentist’s office and waiting around at the pharmacy to fill prescriptions.  Since the pain was fairly intolerable at that point, I opted to start the antibiotics I’d been given for infected tooth #19 along with vicodin rather than head into work on a Friday afternoon.  It is uncertain whether the tooth simply needs a filling replaced or if a root canal is needed on March 10.

Some lessons learned:

1. As I grow older, I’m growing to be less of a hypochondriac and more of a person with real medical (and dental!) issues.

2. One vicodin makes me loopy. Two vicodins knock me out for nine hours.

3. Remember to ask about drug interactions. Vicodin and amoxicillin aren’t going to mess with metformin and levothyroxine, but I should have asked anyways instead of waiting until I’d already taken the vicodin that made me loopy.

4. Not feeling like eating leads to fewer calories consumed which leads to fasting blood sugar readings under 100.  Too bad I feel too weak to workout when I don’t consume a certain number of calories…

*Oh, by the way, I will be starting back as a regular employee on Monday. Cross your fingers I find my social security card by then.

Posted on February 23, 2008, in Diabetes, Doctors and dentists, Humor. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. You know yesterday made me feel really old when I realized my back was KILLING me … from out of nowhere I could gather.

  2. Ugh. Teeth issues. I feel your pain. I hope you don’t need a root canal. Those suck.

  3. Wellness, health, aching, confidence and good health all are related to good mouth hygiene. Visit your dental professional often and many aches and pains can be relieved. Smiles will always win over a frown and making a great smile to others will win you over always. Your health is important to all that matters in life and smiling is a big part of it. A constant reader of health articles and remedies are part of my weekly habit and your blog, message and articles help all in participating in wellness habits. Let all smile and take care of your dental hygiene. Thanks.

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