
“I love you” and a kiss each night before bed.

“I love you and have a good day” along with a kiss most days before heading our separate ways towards work.

Our birthdays (April 9 – me, October 9 – him), our wedding anniversary (April 27), and our meeting anniversary (July 19). And all the New Year’s Eves we’ve spent together.

No need for any other special days. No need for flowers on February 14…besides, they’d make me sneeze and wheeze, anyways. No need for candy on February 14 – that would ruin my day with high blood sugars. Sure, jewelry would be very very nice, but my birthday IS less than two months away, followed so closely with our anniversary.

Okay, okay, if he’s going to be up in Boulder seeing the endocrinologist near my work anyways (even if it is February 14), we might as well share a nice dinner at one of our favorite restaurants (The Med in Boulder).

I wuv you, snookums. (He’ll LOVE that, I guarantee it.)

Posted on February 14, 2008, in Diabetes, Doctors and dentists, Humor. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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