Archive for the 'Days of Grace' Category

Days of Grace: 305-306/365


First yoga-based workout in nearly a year. Going back to bed yesterday morning after said workout. Delicious jerk chicken and corn-on-the-cob dinner last night. Making progress on the career front after a total panic meltdown last night. Knowing I have Ativan in my possession should there be new total panic meltdowns. The pictures from my [...]

Saved from sleeping in TOO long and ruining the day by the DSL repair guy. Quick grocery shop, filled with good things like Greek yogurt and fresh veggies. Ending up in Nederland for a cup of coffee after the kitty shelter’s orientation was cancelled. Lots of preseason football on the NFL Network. Not your typical [...]

Office origami. Office ice cream breaks. Napping upon return home after a poor night’s sleep last night. Getting through this Friday the 13th relatively unscathed. Getting through another week at the day job without the use of an emergency slide or whiteboard.

Hot pastrami sandwich for lunch yesterday to remind me of my New York City experience, to establish a “calm blue ocean” effect at the day job. Seeing the names of friendly faces on the Panel Picker for SxSW Interactive. Barbecue.  From the place we ate the night I went into the ER and later admitted [...]

Being able to say “I’ve been there!” with glimpses of New York City on the Today Show. First real workout in a week (other than walking all over New York City and dancing at parties).  Go, go, go elliptical and ab crunches! Water retention gone from all the travel, all the humidity, and all the [...]

Schmutzie hugged me. I gained the courage to walk up to her and tell her what a difference the Grace in Small Things project has made in this life of mine filled with anxiety and depression.  What a difference has been made in a year filled with some horrible stuff.  What a difference has been [...]

Seeing almost everything I wanted in NYC – Grand Central Terminal, FAO Schwarz, the Dakota apartments – in unexpected extra time yesterday and today. Finding a protein-filled breakfast at Grand Central after a carb-fest that BlogHer provided yesterday morning. Excellent humor blogging session (especially from the lovely Jessica Bern). Supermarket sashimi that looked (and tasted!) [...]

Visiting Tiffany & Co, Rockefeller Center, St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Stage Deli corned beef sandwich with swiss on rye. Seeing a bunch of people, old and new to me. Making a gorgeous red and black tutu for tomorrow’s 5k. Bringing Flat Jasmine along for the ride…and the trip…and the conference.

Short day at work. Wonderful appointment with the psychiatrist. Lovely simple dinner of skirt steak and spaetzle. Everything fit in a suitcase and the bag I purchased from Cinnamon (that she made!). Got through security just fine and on my way to New York City shortly.