Political speak.

Absolutely thrilled that Barack Obama appears to be the Democratic candidate.  When I last talked politics, I explained why I’m not a Hillary Clinton fan.  Back then, John Edwards was in the race for the nomination, but that quickly changed.  It wasn’t a hard decision to back Obama after Edwards exited.  

Now, who will be on the ticket with Obama?  Here are my dream Veep candidates.  (Keep in mind that I believe he needs either a southern or a western Democrat, not another midwestern or northeastern Democrat.)

1.  John Edwards – surprise, surprise, even though I know he is unlikely to be part of another presidential race this time around.

2.  Bill Richardson – he seems to have the amount of foreign relations expertise that would help Obama given his relative lack thereof.  

3.  Kathleen Sebelius – borderline midwestern/western without the foreign relations experience, but with excellent leadership skills.


Posted on June 4, 2008, in Politics. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Major Bedhead

    I’d love to see Edwards as VP but I think he’s angling for the AG position (which would also be excellent). I’d be fine with Richardson or Sibelius, too, but I don’t know if that will happen.

  2. talesofmy30s

    J> Yeah, Edwards as AG would be great!


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