Weekly Grace, #33.

  1. Friends who know exactly what to say when you’re down and out.
  2. Running more than walking.
  3. Older nephew on to the next adventure with dorm move-in.
  4. Fighting off anxiety to go see The Bloggess.
  5. Fighting off anxiety to go to a Chicago Bears preseason meetup.

Posted on August 19, 2012, in Weekly Grace in Small Things. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. candyheartsblog

    Love this…congrats on seeing the blessings in each day!

  2. Jess (@JessMeandD)

    you’re pretty awesome at knowing what to say when i’m down and out too. :)

  3. I’m really glad you made it to see The Bloggess.

  4. Scott K. Johnson



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