Two years old!

Dear nieces C and L,

Wow – what a year. The two of you have gone from toddlers to little girls, from barely walking to running all over the place. A baby brother, first haircuts, and the beginnings of potty training, too.

I feel lucky that your parents post so many pictures and videos on the internet, so even though I can’t visit as much as I’d like, I can still watch you and your brother grow up. Not that long ago, when your cousins were younger, I patiently waited for photographs and videotapes to arrive in the mail to watch them grow. (I’m glad it’s easier and faster these days!)

I will never forget the day when your daddy wrote to me to tell me that he and your mommy were having two babies – and then the day when they found out you were two girls – and most special, the day when you finally arrived two years ago today.

Happy second birthday, sweeties. I miss you very much, but I will see you very soon.

Love, Aunt Rachel

Posted on August 17, 2011, in Family. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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