Show and Tell: Jumping In

This statue sits somewhere in Newport, Rhode Island.  Photo was taken in May 2005, as we drove all over New England in the course of two weeks.


This is how I feel lately.  Jumping into the water without a care in the world, finding the real me somewhere beneath all the anxiety and depression.

Together with my psychiatrist, I discovered that while I had come close to this sense of self during therapy in 2003, I hadn’t quite gotten there yet when I got sick.

When I got sick, so incredibly fatigued and worn out and out of whack from undiagnosed hypothyroidism and probable type 2 diabetes.

Now that my physical health is under control, it’s time to go back and look at the mental health.  Find the real me.  I’m close.  I know I must be close.

Posted on September 24, 2009, in Health, Meme. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Love that statue! And what it means to you.

  2. You are certainly doing the hard work on the road to wholeness.

    May you truly be close to finding the real you and experiencing that carefree feeling.


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