Feeling like Sunday…vlogging.

Kahlua joins me for football talk and getting back on track with respect to diabetes care in 2009.

Yeah, Kahlua’s a big girl, but it’s all muscle.  Me on the other hand?  Weight gain thanks to excessive carbohydrate consumption has led to less than ideal blood sugar control…

Posted on December 28, 2008, in Cats, Diabetes, Football and other sports. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Scott K. Johnson

    Hiya Rachel! Great vlog post. I feel like I know you vloggers a little bit better once I watch you in person (in video?) – you know what I mean.

    I totally hear you on the food thing. I’ve been just going bonkers with the food (and insulin) this year.

    Hope you and yours had a great holiday so far, and wishing you an G (and the kitties!) all the best for ’09.


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