Today’s musings consolidated.

Watching sports, whether on TV or in person, is one of my favorite things in life. I mean, seeing guys pull down their shorts to reveal their undies like those Italian soccer players did is amusing and seeing all the action of a hockey game from 9th row seats is fantastic.

But there’s certainly nothing like walking along the Boulder Creek Path just as the University of Colorado football team is headed back to the showers at Folsom Field after an early summer practice… (And getting a couple of waves and a greeting of “hey there” isn’t bad either.)


Sunday night, I cleared my mind of all sorts of doubts and worries in an emotional crying session that had me convinced that it was time to seek out my psychiatrist after not visiting for several months. However, I felt quite mellow on Monday, not letting work stress get to me (much) and not letting personal stress get to me (much).

The dream that appeared to me last night has provided a story full of inspiration for a short story or maybe even a novel. Well, at least, I hope so. I have written every detail down of this semi-autobiographical fantasy and will keep writing for a little bit each day for the next several days to create a backbone for more serious writing over the next several months.

I am thoroughly convinced that letting go of those doubts and worries Sunday night allowed me to focus on my creativity.

Posted on July 11, 2006, in Anxiety, Football and other sports, Writing. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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