Happy birthday to YCDT.

In the past six and a half years of being part of the diabetes online community (DOC, for short), many projects have popped up to empower those who are living with diabetes and enlighten those who are not.

When Kim asked me to be part of the inaugural You Can Do This video, it came at a time where I really needed someone to tell me, “you can do this”. Somehow I mustered up the strength to create something, something to let others know they are not alone even when faced with the dark realities of diabetes.

The video launched a year ago today. What started out as just a few of us telling our stories has exploded into something quite powerful throughout the DOC.

Now Kim is in process of producing videos targeting specific areas of the DOC population, one of which I definitely look forward to sharing. Booths will be present at Friends for Life and TCOYD – Des Moines to reach even further into the offline diabetes community, thanks to donations to the project.

Thank you, Kim, for doing this. It means the world to so many, including me.

Posted on June 15, 2012, in Diabetes. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. I am so glad you’ve been a part of this, Rachel. Thank you for your kind words!


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