Where was I?

How do I even begin again? I am sitting here eating dinner, trying to comprehend how I managed to be invited to another social media summit for diabetes bloggers. Due to a huge change in my personal life, I rarely blog about diabetes anymore, but more often participate on advisory teams for incredible projects that developed as the diabetes online community evolved.


Ok, here’s a start. 5.6% – the result from a Bayer A1C Now home test taken yesterday.

Even though I am always forgetting to take metformin and forgetting to test as often I once did, somehow the attention I pay towards diet and towards exercise is enough. That makes this type 2 diabetes thing look effortless.

Let me assure you, it is far from effortless.

I count carbs. I track exercise. My pantry does not include pasta or rice or white sugar or flour of any kind. I weigh myself daily just to make sure I stick to the range that seems to keep that A1C reading under 6.0% in check year after year.

Guilt comes with dessert or with taking a day off from workouts.


I still remember living with type 1 diabetes. It was a part of my daily life far longer than the type 2 diagnosis I was given. There was definitely nothing effortless about that. At all.

Life is so very different now with focus on me and me alone, but I never ever want anyone to think I forgot about the other side of the diabetes spectrum either.


So yeah, I continue to be invited part of events like the one happening at the end of this month. I continue to want to be part of these events. Not just for me, but for all of the amazing people with whom I have developed friendships through the common experience of diabetes touching our lives in one way or another, through one type or another.

Posted on July 2, 2012, in Diabetes. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. You’re still a great advocate and resource. And it is good to be with your people.

  2. A1C of 5.6! What I wouldn’t do for that. I just had an A1C of 7.5. However I finally joined Weight Watchers this week which I think is going to work much better than the failing Metformin.


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