The reasons behind resilience.

Resilience is written on my arm for a reason – for many reasons…


An icebreaker in conversation to explain a journey.

A reminder of the lessons learned along the way.


A quick glance to gain the strength I know is possible.

A deep long stare to lose the negativity in which I tend to drown.


A symbol of a woman doing as well as possible under all the circumstances life has presented her.

An indication of the incredible people around whom she surrounds herself – those who encourage and inspire her to bounce back from the scary, from the sad, from the uncertainty.


Resilience is just a word, but the word means the world to me.

Posted on June 25, 2012, in Anxiety, Health. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. laurieedwards

    Love this, Rachel!!!

  2. What Laurie Edwards said….

  3. Scott K. Johnson

    It is perfect.

  4. This gave me goosebumps. You rock.


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