The rambly fifteen, #18.

Fifteen minutes straight writing…begin…right…now.

Tonight’s #dsma was intruded upon by a Paleo fanatic perpetuating myths about T2 diabetes and carb intake and remission and shit. So not cool. (At least he didn’t say the “c” word – cure, right? Ugh.)

A couple things I later tweeted:

Extremists in food philosophy can bite me. Respect my choices that bring me health, I’ll respect yours.

Don’t pay attention to what others say you should/shouldn’t eat. Everyone has to decide for themselves (Paleo, vegetarian, vegan, etc etc).

Off healthy eating soapbox.


At a crossroads. Lots of decisions need to be made in the next few weeks. Dealing with it in the usual Rachel way – procrastinating by focusing on less meaningful stuff. Okay, so reading isn’t meaningless, it just distracts me from what I need to be doing.

Insomnia is back, which doesn’t help. (Maybe because I’m procrastinating on big decisions? Or did I get mildly addicted to Benadryl after two weeks of hive control?)

My family is awesome. I used to have a hard time saying that, but the birthday cards this year? All around, perfect. Gives me a little push out of the procrastination.

Especially the words of my sister’s card (from Carlton Cards):

“Believe in the power of wishes, hopes, and hugs. That small things can be mighty, and big ideas can be reality. That anything is possible. And most of all… Believe in yourself. I know I do. You’re a great sister, and I hope this year is really happy for you.”

(Of course, drawings from two-and-a-half-year-olds warm the heart, too.)




Posted on April 11, 2012, in Writing. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. So, where are the scans of the drawings?
    I love procrastinating! The whole kitchen could use a good cleaning but – I’ll make sure to wipe off that one spot on the fridge…


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