The rambly fifteen, #14.

Fifteen minutes straight writing…begin…right…now.

Leap day. Leap year. (I am proud of being born in a leap year with a brother born in a leap year and a father born in a leap year.)

Of course, the whole leap day thing leads to thoughts  of time, and of how slowly it passes these days. I could not catch up to how fast time moved in the early part of my thirties; now that life is full of turmoil, it cannot move fast enough. I know I should stop and smell the roses and take in these moments because they are all not full of tears and anguish. (Well, the roses would make my eyes water and itch.) And before I know it, I will find myself behind the time again.

I don’t know what is worse to hear in the middle of the night, the sound of a cat puking or of both cats hissing at each other.

The assignment is clear from spectacular mental health professional, to find things that bring me joy in whatever time is left in Colorado. It could be taking a cooking class or a writing class, but also places I always wanted to visit but never did for whatever reason. Or places I did visit, that seem to deflect me away for either good or bad memories, to create one last good memory. A little harder to accomplish without driving, though at least a friend or two are willing to help create a memory.

It’s been a rough week on the emotions.

Posted on February 29, 2012, in Writing. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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