The rambly fifteen, #11.

Fifteen minutes straight writing…begin…right…now.

Day #6 of this …crud. Worse than a cold, not as bad as the fun of influenza. Although, current theory is that it is indeed upper respiratory flu, mitigated by the fact I did enjoy a flu shot a few months back.

First four days were all about aches, fever, chills, fatigue, stuffiness, coughing. Last couple days have been more of recovery, still sniffly and still coughing and still way fatigued.

Luckily, alarm clock cat (Perl) has been kind enough to let me sleep all the way to the real alarm. And I have no trouble falling asleep either, not with the humidifier with its white noise fan and help with opening up those nasal passages and lungs.

What have I been doing besides those activities directly related to the crud? Watching a ton of television. Reading magazines (no patience for actual books in this state). Doing research for upcoming quick trip to Chicago. Fussing over lost sick time (and as of today, some vacation time, too). Going mad with cabin fever.

Yeah, I am the girl who got sick just as Denver started getting hit with repeated snow events and cold temperatures. There seems to be no end in immediate sight, either, and the last thing I want to do is spend too much time out in the crappy weather and not get well.

Cabin fever also entails the inability to work out. The appetite was quite low while I was feverish, so there’s that in maintaining weight. However, I hate not working out. Not that I had really established a routine, and had been really sporadic in frequency of exercising before getting the crud…but I determined a big goal mere days before the crud invaded.

I still have that goal in mind – to walk that 7k on my mom’s birthday. In 32 days. Here’s to maybe getting back to exercise by Saturday? One can hope.



Posted on February 8, 2012, in Writing. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I’ve always thought that the fatigue after an illness has to be the worst. It just seems to take forever before you feel like a real person! And of course you’ll be able to do the walk!

  2. I hope the tiredness after illness goes away soon. Looking forward to seeing you!


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