Weekly Grace, #4.

(courtesy Schmutzie‘s Grace in Small Things)

  1. Impromptu Thursday lunch hour with a friend and her five-year-old. The kid made me laugh and smile more than I had in days.
  2. Fashion and celebrity magazines given by a co-worker (in order to escape into fantasy worlds to shift focus away from my own).
  3. Virtual hugs and pep talks.
  4. Treating myself to a new movie On Demand - 50/50 – sad, funny, and uplifting all in one.
  5. Being able to sleep in until 8am on a weekend morning without my inner alarm clock (or the feline one named Perl) waking me up earlier.

Posted on January 29, 2012, in Weekly Grace in Small Things. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. She’s all yours anytime you need a laugh!


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