What carbs?

Pizza, wine, and cheesecake

Not exactly the perfect choice each week, with all those carbs and calories.

But, you see, it goes beyond the meal itself.

Far too often I feel rushed to write all I can on a small computer screen…

So the thanks goes towards the time I can write on paper.

Far too often I let myself brood alone over the day’s woes…

So the thanks goes towards a sweet reflection on the day and coming out feeling a bit more positive.

Far too often I feel lonely…

So the thanks goes towards the staff who allows me time to feel special.

What can I say?

Pizza, wine, and cheesecake.

I look forward to it each week.

Posted on January 5, 2012, in Writing. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. love, love cheesecake
    maybe I should start having it once a week?


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