#NHBPM – Monday, Can’t Trust That Day

Everyone else seems thrilled with the end of daylight savings time.

For me, on the first Monday after the change, it sucks. Leaving for work in the dark, coming home in the dark – this makes me SAD (seasonal affective disorder). I know these days are coming when the first twinges of seasonal depression show up in September, but the transition out of daylight savings time is harsh and brutal.

Winter weather has already made its appearance in Colorado, which makes me more full of SAD. Getting out in the noon sunshine on my lunch hour is easy on sunny days, getting out in the dreary clouds upon snow-and-ice-covered ground is difficult. These days are made somewhat easier with the daily use of the light therapy box, though it is no substitute for sunshine when all I feel is darkness.

Don’t get me wrong, though. The upcoming months promise moments that will allow some joy into my life. Christmas with family, becoming adept at snowshoeing for exercise, and saying goodbye to the toughest year of my life, 2011.

This post was written as part of  NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days.

Posted on November 7, 2011, in #NHBPM. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. You have had a tough year. But I believe you’ve shown strength and endurance through it. Hope today there’s some sunshine in Colorado and you are able to enjoy a noon walk.

  2. I don’t suffer from SAD but that is the one thing I hate about the end to daylight savings – the darkness that comes with it. I hope the positive things this winter season will pull you through!


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