#NHBPM – After the publish button.

I think I’m done.


Tweet the link, post the link on blog’s Facebook page, add it to Google+.

Re-read post.

Find a grammatical error. Correct it.

How did I manage to publish this without proper proofreading?

Update. Re-re-read.

Oh seriously, that sentence makes no sense. Rewrite it.

And that one, that one is total crap. Why did I publish this!! More rewrite.

I already linked to it, so I might as well press update. Again.

Wait for comments. And hope no one notices the spelling error I just found.

I swear I will not edit this post after I hit publish. It was written as part of  NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days.

Posted on November 4, 2011, in #NHBPM. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. I hate it when I miss obvious errors – even more so when commenting as I can’t fix it!

  2. Can’t help but wonder what you edited after publishing this now! LOL

  3. LOLOL – sounds sooooo familiar. Love it.

  4. Hahaha, sounds exactly like me!!! I think I have yet to publish a post without at least a few typos. :)


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