Vlogging again.

Where I introduce Athena Edwina to vlogging and where I talk blood sugar testing.

Posted on February 15, 2009, in Cats, Diabetes. Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Scott K. Johnson

    Mmmmm, waffles….


    Great vlog!

  2. Minnesota Nice (and cold)

    Rachel – it sounds like you are very consistent with your meals – a few indulgences don’t count!
    And, the kitty – looked ready to chew someone’s face off1

  3. I haven’t had a waffle in ages!!

    We all deserve a break, every now and then.

  4. packetstrangler AKA DasGeek

    I had to Google “waffle” to refresh my memory!

  5. Good Morning Rachel.
    I to like to indulge now and then and it
    shows up on the meter afterward. I tend to go with my 3 month A1c level.
    If it goes up a little between doctor visits then i know to behave a bit more

  6. Scott, Colleen, D> Waffle fever?

    K, Scott> thank you for validating my indulgences. ;)


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