Weekend wrap-up.

1.  I must have angered the football gods.  Two of my three favorite college teams (Colorado, Northwestern) LOST.  Both of my NFL teams (Bears, Broncos) LOST, the Bears in the last second of the game.  (At least Kyle Orton and the offense showed some life this week, right?)

2.  Struggling to get out of the SAD rut.  I am going to try my hardest to come home and work out every night this week.  Even if it’s only for 20 minutes, I need it for my emotional health.  (Already maxing out time with the light box in the morning, so this is all that I can do now.)  

3.  I have a purring cat in my lap.  And Indian food on its way for dinner.  That rules.

Posted on October 12, 2008, in Cats, Seasonal Affective Disorder. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Hi Rachel,
    Can you write more about the light box??
    Living up here in the NH dark of winter, I think it may be something I’m interested in learning more about.
    Although, candles help too!

  2. Colleen> Light box therapy has changed my life the past couple winters. Instead of treating with anti-depressants, I’ve managed with the light box + exercise. I will write more about it on DD this week!


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