Must read this book.

I wish I could put a copy of Know Your Numbers, Outlive Your Diabetes: 5 Essential Health Factors You Can Master to Enjoy a Long and Healthy Life in every diabetes clinic. Better yet, in the hands of every person with type 2 diabetes.

Richard Jackson, MD and Amy Tenderich provide a realistic guide to diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes, with this book. The focus is on the results of the five tests that determine diabetes health (A1C, blood pressure, lipids, microalbumin, and eye exam) and the importance of physical activity rather than providing another lecture about weight loss and forbidden foods. Countering fears about insulin is another important aspect of this book. If someone needs insulin to keep good results coming on the five key tests, they should not fear it – they should embrace it as a way to curb future complications.

I might not be able to provide a copy to every person with type 2 diabetes…or even every diabetes clinic, but I can lend my copy to those interested in learning more about their own or their loved one’s condition.

Posted on June 5, 2007, in Books. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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