
Four simple goals for 2013.

Get out more. Going out to lunch on a regular basis with a co-worker, along with hanging out with friends on occasion, and then getting together to watch Bears games with a meetup group all happened in 2012. Still finding a lot of alone time frustrating, so joining another meetup group or two and trying to see friends outside of work at least twice a month is in the plans.

Do more good. Continue online support efforts with the ChronicBabe forums and You Can Do This project after a period of advocacy burnout at the end of 2012. Get out more (!) and do some face-to-face volunteering.

Read more. For such an avid reader, reading 19 books and not being able to quite finish two others in 2012 was kind of ridiculous, especially after 40 in 2011. However, recognizing that life is busier, aiming for 30 this year.

Write more. More blogging? Maybe. More putting pen to paper? Absolutely.


Posted on January 1, 2013, in Fantastic ideas. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. YOU. GO. GURL.

  2. so, we haven’t hiked together YET. Can we get that on the calendar. And, “birthday” drink/meal needs to happen. I’m pretty flexible.


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