Weekly Grace, #22.

  1. Kicking back with co-workers for happy hour.
  2. Advance praise before official review.
  3. Strolling the farmers’ market.
  4. Running more, walking less each time I get out there.
  5. Picking myself up quickly when the emotional pain hits.

Posted on June 3, 2012, in Weekly Grace in Small Things. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Minnesota Nice

    1. My new waterpik (I have 3 bridges in my mouth and it’s super easy to clean them with the pik)
    2. Blue sky after a week of grey.
    3. Not caving in and buying a SodaStream.
    4. The fun of planning a party for my aunt & uncle’s 60th wedding anniversary – have secured the 4th musician to play polka music.
    5. Several days in a row of good sleep.


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