Reading to escape.

For the past several weeks, it seemed that there was never enough time to write. Then why was there more than enough time to read?

Reading allows an escape from one’s own life to enter the lives of other people, whether based on fact or fiction.

Writing allows an explanation of one’s own life, allowing others to enter into that which may be told through essays, poetry, or autobiographical fiction.

These days, I prefer the escape into reading than the explanations writing demands. There is not much to say, at least not much to say that I want to say, that I can say.

Perhaps tomorrow, I will suddenly find a voice again. Or maybe next month. Or maybe not even until next year.

I am not worried (yet). Until it comes back, there is the possibility to escape through reading books.

Posted on January 23, 2012, in Writing. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Joan Chandler

    I have always loved to read. Funny thing…I began writing as an escape whereas you say you read to escape. I used to write little short stories or bedtime stories for my kids. Eventually I decided to try to actually write a novel, and once I started I couldn’t seem to stop. I now have four completed manuscripts and my first novel is being released tomorrow! So sometimes, even what we do to escape can turn into a commitment! BUt at least it is a welcome burden, and I love to retreat into the worlds I create on paper (or actually in cyberspace since no one seems to actually write anymore, we just type! ). Keep reading, and eventually inspiration will strike and the words will come pouring out of you again. Don’t rush yourself. It will happen on its own. If you have any great book titles you want to share with me, feel free to pass along any recommendations. I’ll check them out!

  2. Reading has always been my escape. My favorites right now are some of the old classics that I read a gazillion years ago.

  3. I love to read and I know what you mean about writing. Sometimes it’s just too much. There’s nothing wrong with escaping! I just read that book. It was good but there are parts I’m not sure I got. Maybe you can help me understand it. :-)


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