The rambly fifteen, #6.

Fifteen minutes straight writing…begin…right…now.

Knock on wood, awesome sleep has found me for the better part of two weeks. Sure, the Vicodin the night of my minor oral surgery helped, but ever since then, it’s been totally on my own. No anti-anxiety medication needed to get to sleep and stay asleep. Who knows why, I will certainly take it. I-can’t-get-enough-sleep is so much better than I-can’t-sleep.

Work is crazy-busy. So much going on that needs to be finalized, like, last week. Yesterday was the stereotypical shitty Monday, though at the end of the day, I received some good news I was not expecting. Not with last week’s drama, anyways. At my six-month review, I received a small raise and only a month later, I learn of a small year-end bonus. I cried happy tears afterwards, instead of the sad ones I hide in the bathroom.

Instead of using that towards practical stuff like groceries or cat litter or anti-depressants, it will go towards pampering. Things that have not happened in ages – (1) a real haircut at a real salon instead of going to one of those cheap chain places (or even worse, cutting my own hair) and (2) a massage, the first in over two years.

Before I even knew of the bonus, I splurged and picked up a small beef filet the other day to have for dinner last night. I managed to cook it perfectly, pink throughout the middle with a nice char on the outside. Coupled with asparagus, for a few moments, it felt like spring.

Of course, it’s not. The snow from a week and a half ago is lingering on the ground, something that rarely happens around here. It just hasn’t warmed up long enough for it to melt completely. And yet, even with cold in the air and snow on the ground, I still remain firmly entrenched in Christmas spirit instead of SAD.

Eleven days until Christmas Eve…and the next trip to Wisconsin :)



Posted on December 13, 2011, in Writing. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Congrats on the raise and bonus! That’s one thing I miss being retired….haha. Kudos for spending it on something fun. That’s always hard for me to do. I’m glad to read that you’re mood is good. Sleep on!


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