#NHBPM – My Choice – Diabetes Blessings Week

Diabetes brought me to blogging. Using a voice that had been muted, making that voice sound strong.

Diabetes and blogging brought me to ChronicBabe via one certain Kerri, to explore much more support beyond just diabetes.

Jenni and Kerri’s efforts to reach chronic patients eventually brought me to session at BlogHer ’09 in Chicago, where I met them both for the first time. Beyond that, I met some of Jenni’s friends (and their friends, in turn) from the city that weekend.

Admitting that my health issues spanned beyond diabetes, hypothyroidism, and anxiety and into chronic pelvic pain, brought me to being involved with the Chronic Babe forums.

With being a part of creating formal chats and welcoming new members and enlivening the forums however possible, I found a little purpose in a year where little other could be found.

I owe it to those who may find themselves alone on Thanksgiving to offer an internet-styled ear. I will be alone, too, but the thought of helping others worse off than me is motivating for me to stay alone. I could accept an invitation or two, though I would be going back on my word to be around Thursday at the chat room on the ChronicBabe forums.

It all leads back to diabetes. Without diabetes, there may not be purpose in this life, and in a sense, I feel the blessing that there is. Without the anxiety, without the depression, without the now seemingly resolved pelvic pain, there may not be purpose and in a sense, I feel the blessing that there is.

The least I could do is be there for others who might not yet see their purpose this Thanksgiving.

This post was written as part of  NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days and as part of Diabetes Blessings Week (courtesy My Diabetic Heart).

Posted on November 23, 2011, in #NHBPM. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. This post made me cry! Thank you so much for giving back to people who haven’t yet found blessings in their suffering. I hope to be there on the Chronic Babe message board with you tomorrow, spreading the Thanksgiving love!

    Sending big hugs to you!

  2. What a nice way to spend your day!
    Your willingness to share your self with those who might need a kind word tomorrow is wonderful.
    I guess that’s why you’re my friend.

  3. aw, rachel – this is so sweet! thank you. you know how happy i am that we’re friends, and you are a major asset to everyone who participates in chronicbabe stuff. love you!


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