#NHBPM – Titles of my future book.

Five Potential Book Titles:

In Blood We Test

Innovators, Advocates, and Friends: Social Media’s Great Diabetes Impact

Let’s Not Get High Today: Tales of the Diabetes Online Community

Keeping It Real and Relevant: Diabetes Online Support and Advocacy

Diabetes Without Borders: The Evolving Online Community 

Book jacket synopsis:

An examination of the history of the diabetes online community. In the beginning, message boards, usenet groups, and even some early bloggers offered support to those living with diabetes. How did this community evolve into the group that utilizes Twitter for supportive weekly chats and YouTube to produce inspiring projects? How can the power of these influential minds be brought to those offline by choice, or by circumstance, to better the lives of all with diabetes? Are there lessons to be learned for other health conditions by the activism and advocacy put forward by the diabetes online community?

No, there are no books in the works – YET. This post was written as part of  NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days.

Posted on November 1, 2011, in #NHBPM. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Interesting, though if you wrote a print (or e-) book, it wouldn’t evolve the same way the DOC has evolved. But I like the idea about what other health communities can learn from what the DOC has produced.

  2. Mike Durbin (@mydiabeticheart)

    Nicely done, Rachel!

  3. Oh how I love these titles, and the idea for a book about how the DOC evolved. Here’s hoping a publisher stumbles across this post!!


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