The rambly fifteen, #4.

Fifteen minutes straight writing…begin…right…now.

I am staring out my window, at the pouring (cold) rain, wondering if I will need to exercise the rare option of working from home tomorrow. While the VPN is excellent, and plenty of people telecommute, my position is not meant for regular telecommuting. OH well. At the very least, in my department, safety is the first priority during snowstorms instead of showing up to work, even if it means taking vacation or personal time.

Just got finished reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower. While some of the main character’s experiences are unfamiliar, some of his thoughts and some of his teenage unpolished writing are so hauntingly familiar to me. Add to it, that it takes place during the year I was a sophomore in high school… sigh. Just heartbreakingly familiar.

I have been out and about “participating”, as Charlie is told to do in that book. “Let’s Talk About Books” club, which brought forth said book, is kind of cool. Not any particular book is discussed – just our overall favorites and recent favorites.

Old co-worker A and I met for lunch the other day.

And I got around to a two-year-old’s birthday party, where most guests were adults and with some adult beverages. No real explanations of what’s going on in my life needed with these strangers, lots of talk about football and Germany and the lack of real autumn in Colorado. I felt rather comfortable in the social situation, and I don’t think it was just the adult beverages I consumed – I felt like I could be myself talking about that stuff. Plus if I felt really uncomfortable, there was cavorting with small children and their toys.

I continue to drop weight without really trying – no real tries at keeping with diet or exercise, though blood glucose levels are fine, too. The only things that could be helping are the complete absence of diet soda (since Sept 29) and little alcohol consumption thanks to the newish anti-depressant that makes me hungover when I drink more than a beer or glass of wine. (The morning after the birthday party was not that bad, though.)

Posted on October 25, 2011, in Writing. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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