Friday cat blogging: Not so alone.

The year I turned nine, my parents separated for a few months. It ended up being just me and Mom at home.

We found ourselves at the local animal shelter picking out a kitten named Kizzy a few weeks after Dad moved out.

For the longest time, even after Kizzy passed away at the age of nineteen, I thought the cat was meant to smooth over the huge change that occurred in my life that year.

Now I understand that my mom must have also needed a little something to make her a little less lonely as she adjusted to a different way of life.

Posted on October 14, 2011, in Cats, Memories. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Kitteh!

  2. I’m sorry about the adjustment you are going through. But I am glad you have the kitties. Animals do have a way of providing a big sense of comfort.

  3. So when my parents got divorced, my mom kept us and my dad took the cat. I guess that’s a different story. ;)

  4. Good grief, your mom is so young looking!


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