
Long ago, I took every word of a horoscope as gospel. That would be how my life would turn out each and every day, for better or for worse. I cursed the ones that never came true and wondered upon the ones that did.

Now, I know better, only reading laughing out loud at the horoscopes from The Onion.

Today, however, I stopped in at a new local coffee shop and picked up a freebie magazine geared towards women in the area, one that I read now and again in doctor’s offices. Part of what I found for August inspired me, lifted me.

“Your creative juices are really flowing, allowing you to revamp projects that may have stalled.”

The other part, the part about being August being one of the most romantic times of 2011? Yeah, I already know that’s bullshit.

Posted on August 1, 2011, in Fantastic ideas, Humor, Writing. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. I still go out and buy a lottery ticket when mine says I will have a lucky day, just in case. Haven’t won yet!

  2. I love the new age ones! I once read mine faithfully every single day, now not so much.

  3. I usually read them along with the comics. After all, they’re frequently on the same page and often make me laugh more than the comics:)


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