Burning questions.

Endocrinologist appointment in less than two hours, and as always, my mind is swarming with questions.

  • Has all my hard work eating better and exercising harder with WildFit paid off in an improved A1C level?
  • What is up with the dizziness, night sweats, and hot flashes – is it just really that hot in this little apartment or is there something going on with my thyroid again? (GYN does not think it is perimenopause based on regular menstruation, though these are not “typical” thyroid symptoms for me either.)
  • What about the results of this c-reactive protein test? Does it show enough inflammation to possibly warrant a statin, or a closer but more expensive look with a controversial cardiac scan not covered by insurance?
Tomorrow, I will give you all the answers that extinguished the mind swarming.

Posted on July 21, 2011, in Diabetes, Doctors and dentists, WildFit. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Hope it was a good appointment and you got some answers.

  2. Diana Lee (@somebodyhealme)

    I hope your appointment went well!


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