This day.

Today is just like any other day.

Except it is not, not deep inside where I still feel so tender and so raw.

This day, so many years ago, the day when we began.


The same words, every time, every single time.

It could be a new acquaintance who catches the tears as a recently popular song of lost love plays somewhere in the cubicle farm. It could be a trusted friend who touches base at just the right moment as love slowly unravels. It could even be the brother who opens up about his own first time around the wedding band.

They all say the same words, more or less.

Refrain from holding back the emotions of sadness, of anger, of fear as they will build and build otherwise; seek help from loved ones and lean on them for support; recognize the blessings in disguise. Most of all, the world may seem like a world of suck out there right now but things do improve, they do get better.


I am counting on that in the long run, but not today.

Today, I cannot hold back the tears full of sadness, anger, and fear.

Not when I remember this day so many years ago, the day when we began.

Posted on July 19, 2011, in Memories, Writing. Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Hugs…

  2. Hugs!!!!

  3. Sue/RFamHere


  4. special spanish {{hugs}} right your way! 【ツ】

  5. majorbedhead

    More hugs from over here on the east coast.

  6. Connie Weiss

    Ah man. That sucks. Hugs to you!

  7. Scott K. Johnson

    Big hugs Rachel

  8. laurieedwards

    Belated hugs, Rachel–such a heartfelt, poignant post. You have a way of conveying so much with such carefully crafted words. Thinking of you….


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