A simple visualization, revisited.

This week marks the beginning of the 12-week WildFit program designed for active women with diabetes looking to kick things up a notch, but who are not quite ready to make a triathlon or long cycling event a short-term goal with Team Wild.

That sounds like me!

With help from a RD/CDE and a fitness coach, I am hoping to lower average blood glucose back down under 120 mg/dl and lose 75% of the weight gained over the emotionally and physically stressful events of the last eighteen months.

That being said, I need to get back into the mindset of visualizing what exercise does for me like I wrote about at Diabetes Daily in September 2009…

“Every step forward.  Every step up the hill.  Every lift of the weights.  Every abdominal crunch. The music fades and the concentration begins.

I visualize the meter taking a downward trend with every move I make.

I visualize anxiety taking its leave of me with every breath I take.

And afterwards, the meter tells me I’ve done right for my body and the calm tells me I’ve done right for my mind.

A future full of complete health seems absolutely possible when I really put my mind to it.”

Posted on May 24, 2011, in Anxiety, Diabetes, WildFit. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Scott K. Johnson

    AWESOME!!! You can totally do this. Jest keep trying to do your best and push yourself. Way to go!


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