Little fish in a big pond.

This blog is small.  And yet, it is nearly five years old.

Ever evolving in name, platform, and subject matter, this started as a diabetes blog until I started doing that at Diabetes Daily a couple years back.  Football talk dominated previous autumns, though this year I shall write about that at Garbage Time.  And if I see that one subject or another begins to dominate, I will not hesitate to branch out yet again.

Some might say my voice is stronger when it comes to diabetes or to knowing the ins and outs of football.  Yet, this blog is where I can most be myself.   This is where I laugh.  This is where I cope.  This is where I write instead of simply blog.  This is me, at both my best and at my worst.

You may first come here because of Genie’s Living Out Loud online writers’ workshop, you may first come here because of Jenni’s ChronicBabe blog carnival, you may first come here because of Lori’s Perfect Moment Monday, you may first come here to see the damn cats.

Of course, many of you are stopping by this week because we talked for a few moments and exchanged business cards at BlogHer ’10.  The flood of new readers as a result of the conference will undoubtedly slow after a few weeks, or a few months.  You may find me hilarious or touching and keep reading, you may find me boring or disgusting and never come back.

You see, I write about life as it happens, I write about memories both fresh and worn.  I write funny posts, I write sad posts, I write funny posts about dark situations, I show off my silly felines.  And I receive an average of less than 100 hits per day.

I am a little fish in a big pond.  And that is absolutely fine by me.

Posted on August 10, 2010, in BlogHer '10, Writing. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Scott K. Johnson

    You are a big fish in my pond Rachel, and I appreciate all that you are. And G too! :-)

  2. Lori Lavender Luz

    I’m late, but I’m shocked — SHOCKED — that you didn’t mention the rooftop party at the Warwick.

    Really, unless your Ree or Dooce or the Blogess, we’re all small fish. Glad to be in a pond with you.


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