Second time around.

Here we go again.

Because it wasn’t enough to have an emergency laparotomy and have the JP drain placed for several days after surgery.

Because it wasn’t enough to have no fewer than five pelvic exams from no fewer than five different physicians in the month of December.

I need even more fun in my life.

Another laparotomy will be scheduled for late April or early May to take a second look at the appendix, bowel, and reproductive anatomy and to clean up any residual infection and scar tissue.  Only this time…

BOWEL PREP.   Because of the likelihood that things are still messy in my pelvis, there is a chance of nicking my bowel.   And a clean bowel is one much less likely to cause an infection if nicked.  Ahem.

Yeah, I didn’t need that image, either.

Posted on April 3, 2010, in Chronic Pelvic Pain, Doctors and dentists, Humor. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Doing “cleansings” seems to be very fashionable! Rachel livin’ La Vida Loca! :)

  2. Lee Ann Thill

    Ugh, I wish you didn’t have to deal with all this, especially on the heels of the earlier surgery. It’s more than anyone should have to deal with and figure out, and I hope it’s resolved as soon as feasibly possible so you can move past all of this. My thoughts are with you, for sure.


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