Oh the guilt.

I had an entire post written out, entitled “Things that make me pout”.  (Yes, I entitle all my posts with a leading capital letter, then all lower case, just in case you were wondering after all this time.)

It was about Whole Foods and their new employee discount plan based on BMI, cholesterol levels, blood pressure levels, and nicotine use.

It was also about how the Travel Channel isn’t offered in HD by Comcast and how I can’t drool over Anthony Bourdain consuming a shellfish tower in Brittany or many variations of lamb in Istanbul in full HD glory.

And finally, I had to include a rant about when the “will he or won’t he?” question about Brett Favre will begin and how I hope the media waits it out until after the Super Bowl because it should be about the Colts and the Saints.

It suddenly seemed rather superficial to me, considering the situation in Haiti. So instead, I went ahead and made a donation to Partners in Health.

Posted on January 25, 2010, in News and Politics. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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