Growing and changing.

As I have mentioned before, I’m not your typical girl.

You should see me when I go out the door for work every morning.  No hair product, no make-up, usually wearing a loose blouse and jeans.  Part of it has to do with the casual work environment at my company, part of it has to do with having no one to impress there either.

Frankly, I’m getting kind of sick of not dressing up and not doing my hair and not putting on my face like I used to do every day at the medical device manufacturer years ago.

While I’m at it…

I don’t want to be the woman who is asked if her parents are home when she answers the front door of the home she has owned with her husband for the past nine years.

I don’t want to be looked up and down by the cops for being a possible truancy case when I’m out walking in the middle of a random weekday anywhere near the local high school.

And I absolutely don’t want anyone to assume anything about me and my work ethic.


Maybe it’s the business attire gathering dust in my closet.  Maybe it’s knowing the gray hairs and the “freckles” are multiplying; that the laugh lines are deepening every single month.

Maybe I’m just ready to finally grow up and gain some respect.

Stop looking backward, start looking forward.

(Maybe a pair of contact lenses would help the effort, if the dry air of Colorado allows…something to think about, anyways.)


“Who was Patrick Swayze?”  If that’s not proof that I’m older (much older?) than I look, I don’t know what is.  Other than “Who was John Hughes?”, of course.

Proof because I saw Ghost in the theater as soon as it came out.   And I first watched Dirty Dancing in junior high before I knew what abortion was and what it meant for it to be illegal. So there!

RIP Patrick.  You fought the good fight with that horrible form of cancer.

Posted on September 14, 2009, in Fantastic ideas. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. I saw Dirty Dancing and Ghost when it first came out. I don’t get dressed up b/c I work from home. Well, at least I like my co workers

  2. I had never thought of being young-looking as a curse, but I can see how it would get annoying to frequently be infantilized.

    I realized I had moved faaaar away from the corporate world when I noted that almost all my summer shoes are flip-flops :-).

    • yeah, my summer shoes at this place are flip-flops, too. (some of my co-workers choose to walk barefoot in the office, which is slightly disgusting.)


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