Monthly Archives: January 2009

Tomorrow’s promise.

Tomorrow is not about who won and what should happen.

Tomorrow is about tradition.  Tomorrow is about history.

Tomorrow, for the 44th time, there will be a new president of these United States.  And it will seem flawless to the average American, just like every inauguration before it.  We should all be proud of this tradition – a seamless and flawless transition of power from one party to another.  Many countries cannot claim such a seemless and flawless tradition.

Tomorrow, for the first time, a minority will be sworn in as president of these United States.  No more white male dominance.  To the future, this means everything is possible, regardless of political party.  

As someone whose political opinion I’ve trusted for many years said, I hope for improvement and not necessarily miracles as Barack Obama becomes the next president.  

It will be a long and tough road ahead given current conditions in the country, but tomorrow I will relish in the tradition and the history that all inaugurations give the citizens of these United States of America.


Kerri posted the quiz, “What Punctuation Mark Are You?“.  I had to do it.  I had to see the results, given my inner grammar geek.

This was my result:


You are elegant, understated, and subtle in your communication.
You’re very smart (and you know it), but you don’t often showcase your brilliance.

Instead, you carefully construct your arguments, ideas, and theories until they are bulletproof.
You see your words as an expression of yourself, and you are careful not to waste them.

You friends see you as enlightened, logical, and shrewd. 
(But what you’re saying often goes right over their heads.)

You excel in: The Arts

You get along best with: The Colon


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