Holiday inspiration.

I often talk about meals we prepare and vacations we take.  Right now, in the midst of a rough economy, I think it’s important to recognize some of Colorado’s everyday inspirations rather than what we ate or where we went.   (Though I can’t completely express how much I really enjoyed spending time with my parents this past weekend – it was long overdue.)

Lisa Pevateaux is a former Denver Nuggets dancer/cheerleader.  She faced breast cancer during her second pregnancy and has so far conquered her battle.  She’s already inspiring others to keep fighting the good fight.

Michelle Gaffney is a Boulder teenager who has faced multiple surgeries and recoveries for scoliosis.  She has already recognized that her condition is not as life-threatening compared to others she’s seen at Children’s Hospital, so she has started a small organization to provide comfy pillows to many Children’s patients.

Lisa and Michelle are just a sampling of the good people I read about or watch everyday in the local papers or television news.  Please let me know – what are you reading/watching/hearing about that truly pulls at your heartstrings?

Posted on December 15, 2008, in Colorado. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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