Home again.

We returned home yesterday, 7.5 hours after leaving Aspen.  That time accounts for lunch and potty breaks, along with some nasty weather-related traffic.  (For reference, it took us 5 hours to get up there on Wednesday with clear weather conditions, but still allowing time for lunch and potty breaks.)  I’m not saying more because the events of the day should make a decent dLife column.  

So, now, here we are back at home on a Sunday where laundry and football will rule the day.  

And how those silly felines appreciate our return.  Little do they know, we’ll be leaving them for another 72+ weekend in less than two weeks.  

Oh, and it appears I completed NaBloPoMo.  Quite a feat for someone who was struggling to come up with anything more than Friday cat blogging for most of this year.  I think my struggling posting pattern will return, but it was good for my writing to participate.

Posted on November 30, 2008, in Cats, Colorado, Football and other sports, NaBloPoMo, Writing. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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