The DNC in DEN.

I don’t know what gets me more excited every four years – the Summer Olympics or the national political conventions.  They each hold their appeal, but I suppose the conventions are what hold my attention more. It shouldn’t be surprising, as I grew up hearing about my parents’ experience living in Chicago in 1968.  

The most memorable convention viewing came in 1988, as my mom and I watched the Democratic National Convention every evening of our vacation in northern Wisconsin – on a small five-inch black & white television.  

I envy my husband this coming week, as he works in downtown Denver.  I’ve already joked with him that I probably would notice more politicians, journalists, and other VIPs than he will.  That is, on the days he chooses to make the commute rather than work from home.  He’s taking our smaller digital camera to capture any interesting people (or protests).  

Oh well, I can glue myself to the television for four straight nights.  Unless I get stuck in the traffic between Boulder and Denver on my evening commutes…

Posted on August 23, 2008, in Politics. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. I think you should get an iPhone and watch streaming video should you get stuck in traffic.

  2. Minnesota Nice

    I work in downtown St Paul. My office building is in the “hot zone” so we have already had background checks and given a super top secret code to get to our floor via the elevator. LOL
    St. Paul is a dull, grey, dreary city with lots of empty storefronts. But for the RNC they have lured merchants into a one month lease to set up shop and make the place look well populated. So at least there’ll be some good shopping for the locals.
    I will have to walk 9 blocks from where the bus lets me off, vs the normal 2.
    We have a designated place to “meet” on the street in case the building is evacuated due to riots. Personally, I think I’d rather stay in the building rather than vacate if people were mad in the streets………………………
    Hopefully, just like with Y2K, there is a lot of anticipated drama for nothing.
    But, then again, ya never know….

  3. Minnesota Nice

    Yes, good idea to bring a camera. I might just do that too.


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