Less than typical (A CGMS discussion).

At first glance, neither of us seem like your typical candidates for continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS).  Well, definitely not me, as a type 2 on metformin.  (It’s a love-hate relationship right now, emphasis on hate.)  And while Greg has concerns over hypoglycemic episodes, he still manages his type 1 with multiple daily injections (MDI) and he still has little interest in a pump.  I haven’t read of anyone’s experiences with a CGMS trial and MDI.  

But everyone who wants to manage their diabetes effectively should have access to CGMS, regardless of type or treatment plan or health status.  And I write about it in this month’s column over at dLife.

Posted on July 9, 2008, in Diabetes. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. I think your column is spot on. I am also a type 2, I have paid for my CGMS and sensors out of my own pocket and I think that it is now the most useful tool in my diabetes toolbox.

  2. I found this blog on a google search and boy am I glad I did. I thought I heard someone mention it in a free chat room.
    Awesome read!

  3. Thanks for the post


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