Wild life.

I’m not going to lie – we live in the middle of suburbia.  Our cats are normally entertained by rabbits, birds, squirrels, and prairie dogs.  Oh sure, we have had raccoons on occasion.  

In the past week, this creature has been seen in our backyard on multiple occasions.

The backyard fox

I have seen many foxes near where I work, but that’s an area that is wooded and near a creek.  Again, we live in suburbia.  Really.  (And the cats are quite entertained!)

Posted on June 24, 2008, in Colorado. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. That fox looks like it’s part dog! It’s HUGE!

  2. So weird – I saw a fox the other day too… But it was much shorter than that one… Smaller, and with shorter legs…


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