The other stuff.

Life has been full of stuff.  Full of stuff not related to diabetes, along with a little stuff related to it.  

That hasn’t been so bad, after all.  I wrote in June’s Dueling Diabetes about NOT talking about diabetes, NOT thinking about diabetes, NOT writing about diabetes – instead, just living our lives through both the good and the bad.  There’s still diabetes, of course, but there’s so much more in life besides our conditions. 

You might have already noticed a change in subject matter around here.  I’m still very much the diabetes advocate and I still watch for the latest news stories about diabetes research.  (And I’m still going to write my column for dLife.)  But I’ve reached a point where talking, thinking, and writing about diabetes all the time has become too much to handle.  I hope you don’t mind me focusing on the subjects that interested me before diabetes became our focus around here.  

Posted on June 10, 2008, in Diabetes. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. I agree – all diabetes, allll the time, can’t be our way of life. Plus, I like getting to know people through their blogs and I know we all have other nice things to write about.

  2. Don’t mind at all – in fact, I appreciate it. I get D-blog overload sometimes, which slows down my posts and also slows down my reading of others… it’s nice to read about the other stuff in life too. Very nice to hear that people with diabetes do things other than test and eat and take meds lol.
    I’m glad you’re changing your style rather than just fading away – I do enjoy reading your blog, keep it up! :)

  3. Wow! I think that your dLife column and this post are the best I’ve read in a long time! Good for you! Obsession over something can only lead to unhappiness since it’s self-defeating.

  4. Wow! Your dLife column and this post are the best I’ve read in a long time. Good for you! Obsessing about anything only leads to unhappiness because it’s self-defeating. LUV U!


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