Diet is a four-letter word.

I don’t believe in diets anymore.

I believe in permanent lifestyle changes.

I follow three principles:

  • Exercising most days of the week.
  • Limiting processed food, especially those containing high fructose corn syrup and white flour. (By the way, even some of the major weight loss companies sell food that is full of CRAP.)
  • Being comfortable with my weight, even though the number on the scale sometimes makes me cringe. As long as my lipids and A1C continue to look excellent, I must be doing something right. I may never be a size 8 again, but I feel much healthier at size 12 than I ever did overeating and being inactive at size 16…or undereating and being inactive at size 8.

Posted on December 17, 2007, in Diabetes, Health. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. here, here!

    well said.


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