Learning the ropes all over again.

Being on metformin demands that I follow a low-fat, lower-carb diet. You know, the way I should already be eating. But metformin holds me in check. If I eat something with too much butter or too many simple carbs, my body reacts negatively.

As one friend pointed out, it is one thing to have the willpower to say, no I am not going to have that dessert because it is not good for me. It is another to know I cannot have that dessert because it will make me sick.

Upgrading my diabetes regimen has also meant upgrading my meter. I took advantage of LifeScan’s free upgrade offer to get myself a OneTouch Ultra 2. I wanted to be able to track before/after meal numbers more effectively.

I know, I know, there was more research about whether self-monitoring of blood sugar by type 2′s who don’t use insulin is necessary. I stand by my belief that checking my blood sugar 1-3 times a day helps with noticing negative trends and knowing how certain foods affect me. If I hadn’t been self-monitoring for the past several months, I wouldn’t have known that I was having trouble with 100-point spike post-prandials. These were occurring mostly after breakfast, which were the same type of breakfasts I’d had for the previous two years post-diagnosis with no problem. That trend may not have shown up in my A1C for another six months.

Posted on July 4, 2007, in Diabetes. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Major Bedhead

    I absolutely think type 2s should be checking, at least as often as you are. I think endos do their type 2 patients a huge disservice by NOT having them check. I honestly think that’s why type 2s get more complications – poor care by their physicians. I think you’re one of the fortunate ones – you’re well-educated and willing to stay on top of things. Most type 2s aren’t.

    I’ll be interested to hear what you think of the ultra 2. O got one but I don’t like it. She loves it, though, which is all that matters.

  2. Julia> Totally agree about the ineffective care of most type 2′s. So far, I like the Ultra 2, though I keep forgetting to enter before/after meal after I test. (Turn it back on, enter the info, turn it back off. grrr!)

  3. Maniacally Monday

    I completely agree with Major Bedhead. I think it’s really irresponsible of the American Diabetes Association to post articles like that. I think it excuses type 2s from taking care of themselves and excuses doctors from helping type 2s. Especially when the study involved only 453 people, not all of whom stayed in the study.

    I didn’t know my numbers were high when I was diagnosed. I didn’t have some dramatic rush to the hospital. How would I learn to know what “normal” feels like, forget about high or low without testing.

  4. MM> EXACTLY – “How would I learn to know what “normal” feels like, forget about high or low without testing”. And well, I’m not a big fan of the ADA…


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